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Planning Board Minutes 06/04/1998




JUNE 4, 1998

PRESENT:  Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Ted Bailey, Harold Arey, Skip Lawrence, Ron Lesieur, Joanna McIntosh, Dave Bickert, Paul Adams, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott called the meeting to order at 7:07pm and requested the Board to review the minutes of May 7, 1998,  the following changes were made:

Page 3 under Discussion Leigh Komornick, Central NH Regional Planning Commission is located at the Summer School on 12 Cross Street in Penacook, not Summer Street.

Page 4 between the paragraphs, The Board thanked... and A Board member...  was placed:  DISCUSSION:   PUBLIC INPUT

Page 5 second paragraph ...stating we deny...was in error by the secretary and will state:  we are unable to approve..., also same paragraph second line (IE) to (ie) last line ...changes use “of” should be “or”.

Motion to accept the minutes with the above changes was made.

                        Arey/Lawrence                   (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW AND                       ENIGMA Holdings, LLC/Dr. Kevin Mara
PUBLIC HEARING:                         Central NH Animal Care
                                                Map 3, Lot 23, Dover & King Roads

Dr. Mara presented a plan to the Board that was incomplete and explained that there had been some misunderstanding with his surveyor.  The Board noted the requirements that were missing on the plan:  abutters,  surveyors name, address, phone number and signed stamp, the spelling of Loudon on the location map is wrong.  Dr. Mara took the list and will return to the next meeting.

Motion was made to table until July 9, 1998 meeting.

                        Brehm/Arey              (Passed)


DISCUSSION:                     Peter Dobbins
                                        Map 7, Lot 16, Ferrin Road

No Show

DISCUSSION:                     Mark McNichol/Crossroads II Corp.
                                        Car Wash
                                        Map 4, Lot 167, Horse Corner and Dover Roads

Mr. McNichol presented the Board with a plan with the proposed car wash taped to it and explained to the Board how the car wash worked, it will be a holding tank system where the water is recycled and when is reaches a certain state it is removed and taken to a waste treatment plant, there will be a dryer inside and a heat pad just out side for safety in the winter.

Car wash is a permitted use, a Design Review will be set for July 9, 1998.

A Board member is concerned that the new sign is moving and flashing and with the site review that was done in the 1980’s they should be following those regulations which state “no moving or flashing signs”.  Other members of the Board felt this was not in the hands of the Planning Board anymore and the Selectmen have already addressed the issue.

DISCUSSION:                             Debbie Fox/Debbie Kenneally, owner Loyd Kendall
                                                Site Review
                                                Map 3, Lot 15, Dover Road

Ms. Fox and Ms. Kenneally would like to start a business of massage, reflexology and reaki healing in one of the buildings on the lot.

The business on this lot was flower sales and has been dormant for more than one year.

Zoning states new business needs to go through a site review,  therefore items such as paving and a reproducible mylar will be required.

Ms. Fox was under the impression the property was grandfathered as a business, but had not been running for the past year.

Ms. Fox will contact the Secretary if she will continue.


DISCUSSION:                             Mike Anderson
                                                Site Review
                                                Retail Building
                                                Map 4, Lot 160, Dover Road

Mr. Anderson is proposing a four phase building complex, as he builds he will be relocating to a different residence and the site will be strictly small businesses.

Mr. Anderson presented the Board with the proposed buildings with parking and other requirements.  The Board requested he have handicapped emblems placed on the plan for the designated parking areas.

Design Review set for July 9, 1998.

DISCUSSION:                     Paul Adams
                                        “Maptalk” and Commercial development

Mr. Adams will be doing a questionnaire about commercial development in the area he has voluntereed to do this project and the selectmen have approved it.

Mr. Adams will also be developing a map with all residences and commercial properties in Chichester and the soil types in which they are located.

DISCUSSION:                     Board of Adjustment

Chairman Scott will send a copy of the letter sent to the Conways last month along with a letter Chairman Scott will write with the Boards backing to the Board of Adjustment.

The Board of Adjustment says we must deny Mr. Mahlstedt on the increase in the size of his sign in order for them to hear the case they must have an application.

Motion was made to send a letter denying Mr. Mahlstedt the increase in the size of his sign.

                        Adams/Arey                              (Passed)

The July Meeting will be held on July 9, 1998 due to many of the members being away.  Stan Brehm will be Chairman for this meeting.


Motion was made to adjourn.

                Arey/Lawrence                           (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:04pm

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Tracy Scott, Chairman